tournament rules


At Collisions, our goal is for everyone to have a good time.  That said, to ensure that a large group of people have a good time together we need to establish a sense of order by setting ground rules.  

The rules below are mostly grabbed from the EVO 2019 ruleset.  We hope to imitate EVO in its professionalism. We also hope that by imitating this ruleset, we set the stage for our competitors feeling comfortable in an organized environment like EVO.  

Similar to the EVO Rules philosophy, we don’t want to overcomplicate things but just want to make sure that expectations are communicated clearly so everyone is treated fairly.  In a time of conflict, we will refer to these rules so that things don’t get personal.  

All tournament competitors are responsible for knowing these rules in advance.


The following terms will be used in this document, around the website, and at the tournament itself.


A flow chart indicating who should play whom at any point in the tournament. The completely deterministic nature of a bracket ensures fair play.


A pairing between two people in the bracket. The two people play each other until a winner is determined. For example, the final Match in the tournament determines who gets 1st and who gets 2nd. A Match is usually 2 out of 3 games.


A Game is just what you think it is… a single game between 2 players. For example, a game in Street Fighter is over when someone wins 2 out of 3 rounds. A game of Capcom vs SNK 2 is over when one player loses his last character. Make sure you understand the difference between a Match and a Game!

The Director

The person ultimately responsible for running the whole tournament.


The Director has a lot of people helping him. These people usually watch over Matches and help to resolve conflicts. Thus, those people are called Judges. They are tournament officials. While they can help to resolve conflicts, the Director is the ultimate authority in making sure the rules are enforced.


  • All participants must register online in advance of the tournament date. See the schedule for more details.

  • Entry into the tournament after the registration period expires is generally not allowed, but may be accepted at the discretion of the Director.

  • There is a limit of one registration per game. Any player who has registered more than once for any tournament will be disqualified.

  • Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.


All players in the tournament will be seeded based on given rank.  To the best of our ability we will try to make every group have a mixture of competitors as to avoid high ranking players all knock each other out in Group A and lower ranking players knock each other out in Group B --- to then watch a low ranking player fight a high ranking player in the final.


These rules will be in effect while a single Match in the tournament is played.  If you are playing in the tournament, be sure to study this section carefully, especially if you have no prior tournament experience.

Choosing Sides

  • When both players are at the game console, they must come to an agreement which side of they machine they will play on (who will sit on 1p and who will sit on 2p)

  • If an agreement cannot be reached, a game of paper-scissors-rock will determine who gets to pick their side.

Choosing Characters

There are 3 methods used at EVO for choosing characters. For this tournament at Collisions we will be using Standard Selection.  At the judge’s discretion we may use Double Blind Selection.

If the players do not discuss the method of character selection, it should be understood that the Standard method is being used. If the players cannot come to an agreement on the method of character selection, the judge will apply the double blind method.

Standard Selection

  • Both players choose their characters whenever they want.  This is a free for all. Players pick who they want and go.

  • Once either player chooses a character, neither is allowed to request that the Double Blind Selection method be used.

Double Blind Selection

  • Either player must explicitly ask for the Double Blind Selection method before either player chooses a character.

  • When a player request Double Blind, the player on the left side (1p) decides which characters and modes (e.g. ISM, Assist mode, or Ultras) they will choose and whispers his selection to the Judge.

  • The Judge then signals the player on the right (2p) to pick his characters and play modes.

  • Once the player on the right (2p) has finished, the Judge makes sure the player on the left (1p) sticks to his original choices.

Playing the Match

Once sides and characters have been chosen, the players should begin the first Game in the Match.

The following rules go into effect once a Game ends:

  • The Match is over when either player wins the required number of games (three out of five games for this particular tournament)

  • Once a player has won the required number of games, the winner of the Match should report the result to the Judge.

  • If there are still Games to be played, the player who lost the Game has the option of switching sides (1p vs 2p) for the next Game.

  • The player who won the game does not have the option of switching sides. He must stay on the same side if the loser does not want to switch.

  • The player who won the last Game is required to keep the same characters, game modes, and order of characters for the next Game.

  • The player who lost the last Game is allowed to choose whatever characters, game modes, or character order he desires.


At some point during the tournament, a player may violate either the tournament rules or the rules for a particular game in a tournament. 

For example, a player may switch his character selection after he won the previous game (a tournament rule violation) or he may choose Akuma in Street Fighter II Super Turbo or do a game freezing glitch in Street Fighter (a tournament game violation). The following rules apply toward rectifying rule violations.

  • It is the responsibility of the players in the Match to detect all Match Rule violations and report them to a Judge immediately.

  • ALL non-gameplay rule violations must be reported to a Judge before the Game starts (e.g. the winner switching the characters after winning one Game in a Match).

  • Players are not allowed to stop a Game in progress to address a non-gameplay related rule violation.  Stopping a Game in progress to report a non-gameplay rule violation will result in the forfeiture the round on the part of the person stopping the game.

  • The only time a player is allowed to stop a Game to report a rule violation is when that violation occurs during the middle of the match (e.g. A game freezing glitch in Street Fighter).\

  • Stopping a Game in progress to erroneously report a rule violation (e.g. your opponent has changed ultras after you have changed characters, which is allowed) automatically results in the forfeiture of the round by the player who stopped the game.

  • Rule violations must be reported at the time they occur. Otherwise, they will be ignored.

  • A Judge is allowed to report any rule violations on behalf of a player.

  • If a Judge stops a game to mis-report a rule violation, the Game is replayed with both players picking the same characters, order, and side. No one is disqualified.

  • The only people allowed to stop a Game to report a violation are the Judge and the players. Anyone else (e.g. a spectator) stopping a Game (for any reason) will receive a mandatory Red Card (see Rule Enforcement and Disqualification).

  • If a player accidentally or intentionally stops his game for any other reason, he will be forced to forfeit the round.  Example include accidentally pressing the start button on his controller to pause the match, unplugging his or his opponents joystick, etc.  If the game cannot be restarted from the exact point of interruption, the player is forced to forfeit the Game.

  • Match interruptions beyond the players control (e.g. the game crashes or freezes) will be dealt with directly by the Judge.  All best attempts will be made to resume the round from where it left off. If that cannot be accomplished, the Game will be replayed with both players picking the same characters and modes.

Example: Suppose a player loses a Game during his Match. During the middle of the next Game, he notices that his opponent changed characters (a rule violation, since his opponent won the previous Game). Since the player did not notify a Judge immediately after the violation occurred, the player must live with the situation. If he stops the Game now, he will be forced to forfeit the Round.

Example: A player is up 1 round to 0 against his opponent when he accidentally kicks the power-strip, turning the console off.   Since this is an unauthorized stoppage of play, the player is forced to forfeit the Round. Since the game cannot continue from the point where it left off, the player is forced to forfeit the entire game.


Video game hardware has a tendency to break down during tournaments. Buttons or joysticks will occasionally break down in the middle of a match, leaving the player on the broken side at a significant disadvantage. The following rules will be used in the event of a breakdown.

  • In the event of an equipment failure, they player has the option to stop the Game in progress to obtain a replacement.

  • If a Game is stopped in progress, the reporting player must forfeit the current round.

  • New equipment must be immediately available.  If replacement equipment cannot be obtained in a timely manner, the player must continue to play on their current equipment or forfeit the match.

  • Once replacement equipment is obtained, the player is given the rest of the round to configure their buttons and test the new equipment.  If the player gains an undue advantage by doing so (e.g. charging an abundance of super meter), they must forfeit the Game.

  • A player may opt to switch out equipment between Games at no penalty.  When this occurs, the player will be given ample time to configure his buttons before the next Game begins.


Unfortunately, sometimes things get out of hand. Rules occasionally get violated for a variety of reasons; accidentally, maliciously, or even out of ignorance. The following rules are designed to deal with rule violators in a way that ensures everyone is treated fairly. These rules WILL be enforced! Know the consequences for your actions ahead of time.

  • Every participant starts off the tournament with a clean slate.

  • Judges must report each rule violation to the Director immediately.

  • The Director or Judge has the discretion to issue one (or more) of the following in response to each rule violation: Round Forfeiture, Match Forfeiture, or Disqualification.

Round Forfeiture

  • When a Round forfeiture is issued, the participant automatically loses the round in dispute.

  • If this puts the opposing player in a winning situation, the player receiving the round forfeiture loses that game.

Match Forfeiture

  • When a Match forfeiture is issued, the participant automatically loses the Match in dispute (not the Game… the Match. Know the difference!).

  • The other player automatically advances in the bracket. He is not required to play a replacement.

  • If no Match is in dispute at the time the forfeiture is awarded (e.g. the forfeiture was issued while the participant was waiting to play), the participant automatically forfeits his next Match.

  • If the participant was in the Losers’ Bracket at the time of the forfeiture, he is eliminated from the tournament.

Recommended Circumstances for Issuing a Match Forfeiture

  • Inability to locate the participant at the time of his Match

  • Violation of Match rules during the Match (e.g. using a game freezing glitch that is banned in the ruleset).

  • Minor misconduct during a tournament (e.g. disruptive behavior, failing to obey the instructions of the judges, etc.).


  • Disqualification removes a player entirely from the tournament

  • Disqualification may be given immediately, without any prior violations, in extreme circumstances.

  • Recommended Circumstances for Issuing a Red Card

  • Upon issuing a 2nd Yellow Card.

  • Physically harming another tournament participant (smacking, punching, etc).

  • Excessive Misconduct (e.g. theft, causing a disruption which delays the tournament, racial slurs or excessive trash talking, etc.)


Collisions is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and inclusive event experience for everyone regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, or other protected category. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants in any form. Evolution Championship Series takes violations of our policy seriously and will respond appropriately.

All participants of Evolution Championship Series events must abide by the following policy:

  • Be kind.  We want the event to be an excellent experience for everyone regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, or other protected category. Treat everyone with respect. Participate while acknowledging that everyone deserves to be here — and each of us has the right to enjoy our experience without fear of harassment, discrimination, or condescension, whether blatant or via micro-aggressions. Jokes shouldn’t demean others. Consider what you are saying and how it would feel if it were said to or about you.

  • Speak up if you see or hear something. Harassment is not tolerated, and you are empowered to politely engage when you or others are disrespected. The person making you feel uncomfortable may not be aware of what they are doing, and politely bringing their behavior to their attention is encouraged. If a participant engages in harassing or uncomfortable behavior, the event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning or expelling the offender from the event with no refund. If you are being harassed or feel uncomfortable, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the event staff immediately.

  • Harassment is not tolerated. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: verbal language that reinforces social structures of domination related to gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, or other protected category; sexual imagery in public spaces; deliberate intimidation; stalking; following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of talks or other events; offensive verbal language; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

This policy extends to forums, panels, social media, parties, hallway conversations, all attendees, partners, sponsors, volunteers, event staff, etc. You get it. Collisions reserves the right to refuse admittance to, or remove any person from, any Collisions hosted event (including future Collisions events) at any time in its sole discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, attendees behaving in a disorderly manner or failing to comply with this policy, and the terms and conditions herein. If a participant engages in harassing or uncomfortable behavior, the event organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning or expelling the offender from the event with no refund.

Our event staff can usually be identified by nametags. Our zero tolerance policy means that we will look into and review every allegation of violation of our Event Community Guidelines and Anti-Harassment Policy and respond appropriately. Please note, while we take all concerns raised seriously, we will use our discretion as to determining when and how to follow up on reported incidents, and may decline to take any further action and/or may direct the participant to other resources for resolution.

Event staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, or otherwise assist those experiencing discomfort or harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event. We value your attendance.

Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualized clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualized environment. Participants and exhibiting partners or sponsors disobeying this policy will be notified and are expected to stop any offending behavior immediately.


  • Any tournament players that are not present when their match is called for pool/semifinal/final matches, without giving staff a valid reason for not being present, will have a period of two (2) minutes to report, to their station with the required equipment. After the two minute period has expired, you will be forced to forfeit your Match.   This is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy, and friends or staff can’t save you.

  • There is no transferring of player registrations. If you did not register or you have already competed in any given tournament, and assume the registration of another player,  you will immediately be ejected from all tournaments and banned from any future Evo tournaments for a period of 2 years.

  • Equipment sharing is no longer a valid option for being late to a match. You can take the risk and borrow someone’s equipment, but if it is in use, and your match is called, you will have two (2) minutes to report with valid equipment or be disqualified.

  • There will be no ties in any tournament. Anyone refusing to play any Match (including the finals) will be disqualified and forfeit all rights to any titles or prizes they might have otherwise earned for that tournament.

  • A draw match as determined by the game must be replayed, unless the game awards the draw to a player (i.e. Street Fighter III, Third Strike).

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  • Inevitable Defeat rule is in effect. This is defined as when a player has legally won the round or match (i.e. landed a move that will kill the opponent) but pauses the game before the game awards the round won icon, will still be awarded the win. The most common occurrence of this rule is when Player 1 lands a super on Player 2, but the super animation is a grab and the damage isn’t awarded till the final hit connects, but the opponent has legally lost the round. If there is a dispute over whether the move would have knocked out the other player, a tournament official will unpause the match, see the result of the action, and proceed from there. If the attack does not kill the opponent, then the mid game pause rules are in effect.

  • Anyone visibly intoxicated or otherwise under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be immediately ejected from the tournament, and may be banned.  If you do not cooperate immediately, we will not hesitate to contact the local authorities. We have always enjoyed violence-free events, and this a zero tolerance issue.  Keep it in the game, or keep it to yourself.

  • No sexually explicit acts, explicit nudity, solicitations or non-consensual sexualization. Any of the following in or around the event hall will result in a permanent ban.

  • Collusion of any kind with your competitors is considered cheating.  If the Tournament Director determines that any competitor is colluding to manipulate the results or intentionally under performing, the collaborating players may be immediately disqualified.  This determination is to be made at the sole discretion of the Tournament Director. Anyone disqualified in this manner forfeits all rights to any titles or prizes they might have otherwise earned for that tournament.

  • Evo has a zero tolerance policy toward violence, threats of violence, intimidation, harassment (sexual or otherwise), and other forms of thuggery. Any threat of violence, harassment, extreme intimidation, or violence of any kind will result in an immediate and lifetime ban.

  • Gambling is prohibited in the event hall.  Any player that gambles in the event hall will be immediately ejected from the tournament, and may be banned.

  • If there is conflicting rulesets between Evo rules and Pro Tour rules, Evo rules ALWAYS trump any Pro Tour rules.

These rules are an attempt to insure that the tournament runs fairly and as smoothly as possible.  However, unforeseen circumstances may require a special response, and for that reason the Tournament Director reserves the right to change any of the tournament rules/settings or remove any player at any time, for any reason, at their sole discretion.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us by e-mail.


Generally speaking, do the following:

  • Have your equipment tested and ready.

  • Communicate with the judges as needed.

  • Don’t be mean.

  • Show up on time to your match -- don’t make us hunt you down because you left the premises.

  • Be considerate to each other (We don’t always have to issue something if players work it out themselves, just if it causes problems then we have this set of rules as a guideline).


All tournament participants shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Collisions Tournament, John Villapando and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, agents, volunteers, representatives and employees from and against any and all costs and expenses, damages, claims, suits, actions, liabilities, losses and judgments including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and legal expenses, based on, arising out of or in any way related or connected with the Event or any other matter or activity directly or indirectly related to the Event, including but not limited to libel, slander, disparagement, defamation, copyright infringement, invasion of privacy, piracy, plagiarism, or infringement of any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right of any third party. This obligation shall continue beyond the term of the Event.